Wednesday 27 April 2011

Shoot Day- Ophelia

Today I was assisting on the set of Ophelia for Danae. It was a very interesting experience but was extremely long. The shoot was 15 hours, despite the fact it was only supposed to be 10 hours. For a HUGE amount of the time we were sitting and waiting. We had Harriet, the actress, ready, in costume by 11am after arriving on set at 9am. However, we did not actually have the first take until 11.30pm. The lighting and focus took several hours to set up and then was all lost and had to be all set up again, hence the lenght of the day! Due to the fact that the filming took so long to set up, instead of several takes, there was only infact one which meant our jobs were easier as we didn't have to make sure the costume was clean and dry ready for the next one.

Once the shoot was over, Harriet was cold, muddy and very wet. It was a huge task to clean her hair, wash her body and dry her off, clean and dry the costume and make sure she was warm and comfortable. This was the part of the day we were most busy.

The shoot was definately an experience that I have learnt from but, as with most shoots, was a lot of waiting around which was quite boring and frustrating.

I think I did a good job but I would have liked to have more to do and have more responsibility.

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