This morning we went back to the seminar room to find out which pitches had been chosen by the tutors. I was really pleased with the choices; only one of the nine i wasn't keen on working on. We then discussed in our group of six, with Bunny, which pitches we 1. wanted to design for, 2. wanted to help assist and 3. wanted to co-create. Due to timetable issues with filming there had to be a slight change to our first schedual but I got to do the three I liked the most which is a total result! Due to the schedual change I am assisting two films and designing for one. These are:
1. Van Gogh's Chair by Vincent Van Gogh (ASSISTING)
The film is based on the idea that the chair is an animate object. It is pining for attention from an artist who is trying to paint still lifes and is nudging into every one, attempting to be painting. Eventually the artist gets fed up and attempts to bury the chair and then decides that actually it might make a good subject. The chair is then painted and is happy. The closing shot is the artist getting back to painting his still lifes and then the table slowly nudging forward. (in the studio)
2. The Combing of Hair by Edgar Degas (DESIGNING)
This film is about lust. The maid combing her mistresses hair is deeply in love with her. She is passionately combing her hair. We see flashback style intimate close ups of body caressing which we assume is a lesbian love affair. The combing becomes more agressive until we see the mistress in pain due to the tugging. We then see last nights passion is between the mistress and her male lover, not between the mistress and her maid, she is meerly peering through a crack in the door. (in the studio)
3. Ophelia Among the Flowers Odeon Redon (ASSISTING)
This is the painting that I have been recreating for the first half of this project! For this, the plot so far is just that Ophelia is reaching for some flowers whilst balancing on a tree branch and then falls into a stream and dies (on location).
I feel, for each of these pitches, I will be able to bring specific skills to them. I would love to work on location and I feel my organisation skill would really come into their own on such a project. I am also really looking forward to working on these films and forming relationships with the film crew.
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